15 short-duration games aiming to improve adults’ financial literacy in topics such as "Money and Transactions", "Planning and Managing" and "Risk and Credit", are now available targeting adults with low financial literacy levels.
The aim of this series of games is to allow adults to develop their financial literacy levels on the basics of financial planning, on the use of a budget, on the control of their personal spending, on the importance of keeping track of personal finances to ensure our well-being, on the importance of saving and its planification or the importance of not living above the possibilities.
The mini game 4 "Nest Eggs" explores some expenses related to different personal goals (Study Abroad, House Renovation and Having a Baby) to find out how much the users will need to save regularly to reach their goals in time and build a savings plan for each goal. By playing this game users will understand that taking control of their financial life requires planning, and that starts with setting goals. You can access the game here.
This game is included in the topic Planning and Managing aimed help adults to earn the basics of financial planning to ensure and achieve their personal goals as a result of smart money management.
Play the game and let us know what you think about it.