Every day we make decisions that affect our domestic economy. In fact, most of the personal decisions we make are usually accompanied by financial decisions. To help us make the right decisions, it is convenient to be clear about some financial concepts." Jordi Martínez Llorente Director of Financial Education of the IEF. https://www.lavanguardia.com/ocio/20200702/482054772092/el-juego-familiar-finnelis-invita-a-aprender-sobre-finanzas-domesticas.html
Financial Education in El Salvador:
Financial education plans for adults already implemented in el Salvador is an article written by Meritxell Ibáñez were are reflected all the initiatives that are taking part in el Salvador for adults. One good practice is Talk Using Credit Cards see more in: https://www.iefweb.org/es/la-educacion-financiera-en-el-salvador/